Automatic Folders in the Library

Automatic Folders in the Library

All About Automatic Folders in the Library

What are Automatic Folders in my Library?

Automatic folders in your library are smart, pre-created folders that organize your content and media without any extra effort on your part. These folders are pinned to the top of your library for easy access and are designed to help you stay organized as your content evolves. They automatically sort and categorize files based on their type or source, such as "Content Drafts" for your draft assets and "Engagement Media" for user-generated content (UGC) you’ve been tagged in. With automatic updates and easy navigation, these folders save you time by doing the heavy lifting of organizing your media, so you can focus on creating and engaging!

Content Drafts Folder

The "Content Drafts" folder automatically organizes your media assets by draft name, making it easy to track your content’s journey from concept to final version. Each subfolder houses all media attachments related to a specific draft—whether it's design inspiration, iterations, or the final social media post.

The original draft is linked at the top for quick reference, and any media used in your draft's workspace is marked with a blue paperclip icon. This folder is invaluable for revisiting past posts and reusing successful content for future inspiration.

Engagement Media Folder

The "Engagement Media" folder is your one-stop hub for user-generated content (UGC). Automatically collecting all media you’ve been tagged in across your digital channels, this folder consolidates images and videos into one easy-to-navigate space.

Each file is tagged with helpful details, including the platform, user, and media type. You can filter by these labels to quickly find the content you're looking for. Plus, each file links directly to its conversation in Engage, making it effortless to engage with users and request repost permissions.

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