Understanding Analyze: Responses Page

Understanding Analyze: Responses Page

Introduction to Analyze's Responses Page

The Responses Page Overview & Key Terms

The Responses Page displays more details on responses sent through DGTL Engage. Let's walk through all the different widgets, graphs, and features of the Responses Page:
  1. Responses Summary Widget
    1. Response Rate
    2. Response Time (Median)
    3. Total number of conversations responded to (public vs private)
    4. Total number of conversations dismissed (public vs private)
  2. Median Time to Resolution Graph
As you walk through the Responses Page, there are a few key terms used that you should know:
  1. Interaction: One or more Pieces grouped together in a single conversation. This can be a single inbound message and its reply, or, a back-and-forth conversation between your brand's profile and and an online user.
  2. Responded to: When an interaction receives an outbound reply.
  3. Dismissed: When an interaction does not receive a reply, but is removed by a user from their 'claimed queue'.
  4. Time to resolution: The delay between an inbound piece and its response/dismissal.
  5. Median time to resolution: The median of these delays for a specific day/timeframe.
    1. NOTE: We report 'Median time to resolution' as an alternative to 'Average Speed of Answer' to help mitigate any skewing from outlier conversations.

The Responses Summary

The Responses Summary widget displays a variety of summary metrics relating to your outbound responses for a selected time period. Let's walk through them now:

Response Rate

The rate at which interactions are responded to. NOTE: This is NOT just raw outbound/inbound volume, but instead takes into consideration INTERACTIONS where certain messages may not require a response or where a single inbound message may have multiple outbound replies. This is a more accurate representation of response rate for teams managing volume at scale.

Response Time (Median)

A key metric that shows the midpoint of all recorded response times. The median is the value that separates the top half of responses from the bottom half, giving a clear idea of typical response speed. By focusing on the median, we reduce the impact of extremely fast or slow responses, providing a more accurate picture of overall performance 

Response Totals (Public vs Private)

Displays total amount of interactions responded to, split into public comments vs private messages.

Dismissed Totals (Public vs Private)

Displays total amount of interactions dismissed, split into public vs private messages.

Automated Dismissal Total

Displays total number of conversations that were automatically dismissed based on your Automation Queue's configuration. NOTE: This total only displays if you have a custom Enterprise configuration with an Automation Queue. 

Median Time to Resolution

The Median Time to Resolution chart shows the median time to resolution, broken down by day within your selected time frame. You can view different variations of this chart by selecting the 'Responses' or 'Dismissals' tab.

You can hover over any data point within this chart to see more details about the specific day.

Does the Responses Page only display Responses sent through Engage?

No, the numbers reflected on the Responses page will include any responses sent via native channels too.

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