Understanding Create: The Scheduling Page

Understanding Create: The Scheduling Page

Introduction to the Scheduling Page

What is the Schedule Page?

The Schedule Page allows you to manage all drafts ready for scheduling. It's the perfect place for bulk scheduling all of your drafts in one, easy-to-navigate calendar view.
Helpful Hint: The Schedule Page is accessible from the Navigation on the left.

To view a full walkthrough demo of Create, click HERE.

Schedule Cards Explained

The Schedule Page will show your Drafts for the month in Card format on the right side of the screen. Each card has a color-coded bar at the bottom. As you schedule a Draft's platforms, the card will update its statuses and color.

Gray: Your Draft's platform(s) are not scheduled.

Gray and Blue: Your Draft is only partially scheduled.

Fully Blue (with checkmark): All of your Draft's platforms are scheduled.

Green (with checkmark): Your Draft is fully published on all platforms (POSTS ARE LIVE).

Scheduling & Publishing Options

There are three options available for scheduling posts of a draft:
  1. Publish Now: Will instantly publish your post to the native platform.
  2. Schedule for [DATE]: Will schedule the post to go out some time in the future
  3. Mark as Scheduled: Will NOT publish post through DGTL Create's publisher. Assumes you will publish the post manually via native channel.
Helpful Hint: Remember, if you are marking a post with the status 'Mark as Scheduled' you need to download the media and copy to your device!

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